DECSET$ENVMGR.HLB  —  cgui  mwin MnWind, wkarea Form, save Btn
    The Save button saves the context file shown in the Context File

    This action saves the current definitions/settings (possibly
    modified via the Settings menu) to the context file indicated
    in the Context File field of the main window. If the value in
    the Context File field has changed since the last Save operation
    for the current context, the DECset Environment Manager writes
    the new file specification to the context database. For a new
    context, the Save menu item ensures that the context is known
    by adding the specified context name and associated context file
    specification to the context database. The DECset Environment
    Manager displays a confirmation dialog box for final approval
    before saving new information in an existing context database
    entry and/or an existing context file. The saving of a context
    will affect other DECset tools displaying on the DECwindows
    display only when that context is subsequently applied.
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