The context specification area is used to display information
about contexts, and consists of the following fields:
o context
o parent
o context file
o context database entries
The context specification area consists of read-only fields. Use
the menu bar functions to make changes to any of these fields.
Context Field
You can display a context name in the Context field by single-
clicking on a line in the Context Database Entries field or by
selecting the New menu item from the File menu.
Parent Field
The DECset Environment Manager does not allow a circular
ancestral chain. If a circular chain is detected, the DECset
Environment Manager displays an error message dialog box, and
aborts the operation on that context.
Context File Field
If you select an existing context file from the Context Database
Entries field, the name of the context and the associated
information is displayed in the read-only Context, Parent, and
Context File fields.
For a new context, or one for which you are modifying the
associated context file specification, you may use the Modify
Database Entry... menu item from the File menu to bring up a file
selection widget.
If any part of the file specification is not supplied; for
example, the disk name, the corresponding component of your
current default directory specification is used. If the name
or the file type is not specified, the name of the currently-
specified context is used as the file name and .DECSET_CONTEXT is
used as the file type.
Context Database Entries Field
The context names (and some associated information) are retrieved
from the context database listed in the Context Database Entries
field of the DECset context window.
Additional Information: