DECSET$ENVMGR.HLB  —  cgui  symdef PopForm
    The symbol definitions retrieved from the context file specified
    in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the
    Symbol Definitions field of this dialog box.

    Use this dialog box to add DCL symbol definitions to the
    specified context.

    The Environment Manager stores symbols only as global symbols.

    The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows:

    o  Enter Define - to add a new symbol definition to the Symbol
       Definitions list shown in the dialog box.

       Use this in a context to supersede a definition from a parent

    o  Remove - to remove the selected symbol definition or the
       DELETE SYMBOL entry from the Symbol Definitions list.

    o  Enter Delete - to add a DELETE SYMBOL entry to the Symbol
       Definitions list shown in the dialog box.

       Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a
       parent context.

    o  OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the
       current context.

    o  Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes

    o  Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing
       the dialog box.

1  –  symdef ScrLst

    The symbol definitions retrieved from the context file specified
    in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in this

2  –  symbol TxtF

    Type a new (or edit an existing) symbol name in this field.  The
    symbol name associated with the selected symbol definition is
    displayed in this field.  Use this field in conjunction with the
    Enter Define and Replace Define buttons to add or change symbol
    definitions in the Symbol Definitions list.  Use this field in
    conjunction with the Enter Delete button to add a symbol deletion
    to the Symbol Definitions list.

3  –  def TxtF

    Type a new (or edit an existing) symbol assignment in this field.
    The assignment associated with the selected symbol definition is
    displayed in this field.  Use this field in conjunction with the
    Enter Define and Replace Define buttons to add or change symbol
    definitions in the Symbol Definitions list.

4  –  symentdef Btn

    This button adds a new symbol definition to the Symbol Definitions
    list.  The new symbol definition is described in the Symbol and
    Definition fields.

5  –  symreplace Btn

    This button replaces the selected symbol definition in the Symbol
    Definitions list with a new symbol definition from the Symbol and
    Definition fields.

6  –  symentdel Btn

    This button adds a new symbol deletion to the Symbol Definitions
    list.  The new symbol deletion is named in the Symbol field.

7  –  symremove Btn

    This button removes the selected symbol definition or deletion
    from the Symbol Definitions list.

8  –  symhelp Btn

    The symbol definitions retrieved from the context file specified
    in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the
    Symbol Definitions field of this dialog box.

    Use this dialog box to add DCL symbol definitions to the
    specified context.

    The Environment Manager stores symbols only as global symbols.

    The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows:

    o  Enter Define - to add a new symbol definition to the Symbol
       Definitions list shown in the dialog box.

       Use this in a context to supersede a definition from a parent

    o  Remove - to remove the selected symbol definition or the
       DELETE SYMBOL entry from the Symbol Definitions list.

    o  Enter Delete - to add a DELETE SYMBOL entry to the Symbol
       Definitions list shown in the dialog box.

       Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a
       parent context.

    o  OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the
       current context.

    o  Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes

    o  Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing
       the dialog box.
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