DECSET$ENVMGR.HLB  —  cgui  lndlg PopForm
    The logical name definitions retrieved from the context file
    specified in the Context File field of the main window are
    displayed in the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field of this
    dialog box.

    The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows:

    o  Conceal Translation - to specify that the translation(s) of
       the logical name are `concealed'.

    o  Enter Definition - to add the logical name and corresponding
       equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and
       Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings
       list shown in the dialog box.

       Use this feature to supersede a definition from a parent

    o  Enter Deassign - to enter a deassign logical name specified
       in the logical name field to the Logical Names/Equivalence
       Strings list. The contents of the Equivalence string field are

       Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a
       parent context.

       The DECset Environment Manager does not allow duplicate
       definitions of a logical name in the Logical Names/Equivalence
       Strings field.

    o  Remove - to remove the selected logical name definition or the
       DEASSIGN from the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list.

    o  Add Table - to specify an option menu containing the options
       system, group, job, the default setting, process, or other
       user defined tables.

       The value indicates the logical name table into which the
       logical name is inserted or from which the logical name is

    o  OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the
       current context.

       The current changes are not written to the context file until
       after you either Apply or Save these changes. Changes are
       written to the current context in memory only.

    o  Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes

    o  Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing
       the dialog box.

    The Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field places equivalence
    strings on separate lines in order to distinguish between
    logicals defined; for example:

        DEFINE MOO A,B,C

    The Environment Manager does not accept logical name
    specifications that include quotation marks.

1  –  lnequiv ScrLst

    Use Enter Definition button to add the logical name and corresponding
    equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and
    Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list.

2  –  lognam TxtF

    Use this text field for specifying the desired logical name.

3  –  conctrans Tgl

    Toggle Conceal Translation button to specify that the translation(s) of
    the logical name are `concealed'.

4  –  equiv TxtF

    Use this text field for specifying the equivalence string for
    the specified logical name.

5  –  lnaddtab Bth key

    Push the Add Table button to display a dialog box that allows a
    user defined table to be added to the logical name table menu

6  –  table OptMenu

    Use this radio button to display an option menu containing
    the options system, group, job, the default setting, process,
    or other user defined tables.

    The value indicates the logical name table into which the
    logical name is inserted or from which the logical name is

7  –  tabnam TxtF


8  –  lnentdef Btn

    Push the Enter Definition button to add the logical name and corresponding
    equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and
    Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings

9  –  lnreplace Btn

    Push the Replace button to replace the equivalence string for the
    selected logical name.

10  –  lnentdeas Btn

    Push the Enter Deassign button to enter a deassign logical name specified
    in the logical name field to the Logical Names/Equivalence
    Strings list. The contents of the Equivalence string field are

11  –  lnremove Btn

    Push the Remove button to remove the selected logical name definition or the
    DEASSIGN from the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list.

12  –  lnedt equiv Btn

    The Edit Equivalence String... menu item brings up a dialog box indicating
    that an equivalence string is being set.

    Enter a string into the Equivalence String field and
    click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons
    to add the string in the appropriate place in the Equivalence String
    List field. The Equivalence String List field contains a list of
    equivalence strings, one string per line.

    If equivalence information exists for the current context,
    that information is shown in the Equivalence String List field when the
    dialog box is managed. Delete items from the string list by
    selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Equivalence String List field and
    clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the
    string list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button
    dismisses the dialog box without changing the equivalence string.

    Click on the Select... button to specify the string.

13  –  lnshwctxtLogs Btn

    Click on this button to display the logical names currently
    defined in the context file for the current context.
    Only the logical names defined in the context file will be
    displayed by this action.

14  –  lninclInher Tgl

    This toggle button specifies if inherited logical names from the
    parent contexts are display along with the logical names defined
    for the current context.

15  –  help Btn

    The logical name definitions retrieved from the context file
    specified in the Context File field of the main window are
    displayed in the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field of this
    dialog box.

    The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows:

    o  Conceal Translation - to specify that the translation(s) of
       the logical name are `concealed'.

    o  Enter Definition - to add the logical name and corresponding
       equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and
       Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings
       list shown in the dialog box.

       Use this feature to supersede a definition from a parent

    o  Enter Deassign - to enter a deassign logical name specified
       in the logical name field to the Logical Names/Equivalence
       Strings list. The contents of the Equivalence string field are

       Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a
       parent context.

       The DECset Environment Manager does not allow duplicate
       definitions of a logical name in the Logical Names/Equivalence
       Strings field.

    o  Remove - to remove the selected logical name definition or the
       DEASSIGN from the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list.

    o  Add Table - to specify an option menu containing the options
       system, group, job, the default setting, process, or other
       user defined tables.

       The value indicates the logical name table into which the
       logical name is inserted or from which the logical name is

    o  OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the
       current context.

       The current changes are not written to the context file until
       after you either Apply or Save these changes. Changes are
       written to the current context in memory only.

    o  Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes

    o  Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing
       the dialog box.

    The Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field places equivalence
    strings on separate lines in order to distinguish between
    logicals defined; for example:

        DEFINE MOO A,B,C

    The Environment Manager does not accept logical name
    specifications that include quotation marks.
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