o Throughout these notes, the term VSI BASIC or the name BASIC used alone, applies to VSI BASIC for OpenVMS I64 Systems, HP BASIC for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, and HP BASIC for OpenVMS VAX Systems. The following terms refer to information that applies specifically to the corresponding product. I64 BASIC - VSI BASIC for OpenVMS I64 Systems Alpha BASIC - HP BASIC for OpenVMS Alpha Systems VAX BASIC - HP BASIC for OpenVMS VAX Systems o I64 BASIC V1.8-004 minimally requires OpenVMS I64 Version 8.4-1H1 to run. o The default data type for I64 BASIC is IEEE S_floating point whereas for Alpha BASIC and VAX BASIC the default is VAX F_ floating point. To continue use of the VAX floating point data types you must use the /REAL_SIZE={SINGLE | DOUBLE | GFLOAT} qualifier, or the OPTION SIZE=REAL {SINGLE | DOUBLE | GFLOAT} statement. Since the VAX floating point data types are not available in the Itanium hardware, they are supported by converting the values to an appropriate IEEE data type, performing the calculation, and then converting the values back to VAX floating point data type. This process can cause rounding errors and the results to differ slightly from those obtained using VAX floating point directly. Note that constants in programs are represented in the default floating point data type unless explicitly specified otherwise, and they may be subject to conversion to IEEE data types. See the white paper, "OpenVMS floating-point arithmetic on the Intel[R] Itanium[R] architecture" at http://www.hp.com/products1/evolution/alpha_retaintrust/download/i64-floating-pt-wp.pdf for more information. o By default, programs are compiled at optimization level 4 (/OPT=LEVEL=4), the highest level of optimization. If you encounter problems with the generated code, try compiling the program with a lower level of optimization. This may correct the problem. Please report any problems to HP, even if the program works correctly at a lower optimization level.